The Relationship Between Faith And Medicine Throughout History, Veli Atmaca


  • Rifai ERTEN Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı


Health, Disease, History, Phenomenology, Metaphysics, Sin


Mankind has faced many problems since its existence for the first time in history. Among them, it is possible to give countless examples, from the political problems that devastate the geographies where societies live in masses to personal problems. One of the most important issues reaching personal and sometimes social dimensions has been health. For people, health is not only an issue that needs to be treated in case of illness when it is lost, but also something that needs to be protected outside of this situation. Dealing with health sciences is not always disease treatment. The source of the disease and how it is, whether personal or individual, has been discussed in every period of history. These discussions and researches have brought some scientific and sometimes metaphysical results before people. The work that we are going to examine, while taking this subject with its historical dimensions, also deals with its phenomenological dimensions.


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How to Cite

ERTEN, R. (2022). The Relationship Between Faith And Medicine Throughout History, Veli Atmaca. DARUSSIFA – JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC MEDICAL HISTORY RESEARCH, 1(1), 99–105. Retrieved from



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