İslam Hukuku Bağlamında Tıbbın Gelişim Süreci
islam hukuku, tıp, sağlık, fıkıhAbstract
People who do not know Islam well enough see it as consisting only of belief in Allah, belief in the Hereafter and worship. They even think that most of the messages in the Qur'an consist of worship and prayers. however, the number of messages on this subject is around two hundred. The belief system, social life principles and universal moral understanding of the religion of Islam are complete. Islam regulates interpersonal relations as well as the relations between the person and Allah. The religion of Islam has presented the basic elements necessary for a person to lead a healthy, happy and prosperous life. One of these elements is a healthy life. Because people who do not have good mental and physical health cannot do the demands of Islam properly. Health, one of the most important issues of human life, has been of interest to everyone throughout the history of humanity. Therefore, throughout history, there has never been another branch of science that has attracted as much attention as medicine. The prophets sent by Almighty Allah to humanity were as concerned with the health of themselves and those around them as other people. Basic information about the protection of health and the treatment of diseases is found in the Qur'an and the words of the prophet Muhammad. The words and medical practices of the Prophet Muhammad were compiled. His words and practices in this field are collected in the books called -Tıbbu'n-Nabawi. During the time of the Prophet Muhammad, there were famous doctors in Arabia. The Prophet communicated with them. Haris b. Kelede es-Sakafi and e Ebû Rimse et-Taymi are among the most famous of those doctors. The Prophet always advised his friends who fell ill to be treated, and warned those who were hesitant about it. He emphasized that diseases come from Allah and that Allah sends the cure for every disease to the earth. He even had special recommendations for some diseases. After the death of the Prophet, there were many developments in the science of medicine due to the expansion of the Islamic geography and the meeting of Muslims with different cultures. Medical books of different nations have been translated into Arabic. It was during the Umayyad period that doctors from different nationalities served in the countries of Muslims and small-scale medical schools were opened. During the Abbasid state, many medical books of western origin were translated into Arabic, especially with the efforts of Caliph Harun Reşit. In this period, the activities of establishing hospitals accelerated. Many medical schools and thousands of hospitals were opened. Developments in health and medicine continued in the Seljuk and Ottoman staes periods. Hospitals and medical schools, serving with names such as Bimarhane, Bîmâristan, Mâristân, Darüşşifa, Şifâiyye, Dâru't-tıb, Dâru's-sıhha, Dâru'l-âfiye Tımarhane, increased. Many works have been written in this field.After the Tanzimat, European-style modern medical education and the establishment of a hospital in the field of health and medical services began in the Ottoman state. Bezmi Alem Valide Sultan Gureba foundation hospital, Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Istanbul Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Hospital are some of them. These hospitals still provide health services today. In this study, we tried to present the relevance of the religion of Islam with health and medicine, the developments in this field in the process of Islamic history and the relationship between Islamic law and medicine.
Keywords: Islamic Law, Medicine, Health, Fiqh.
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