A Critical Review of the Works of Pioneer Physicians on Kidney Diseases in Ancient Iran Avicenna, Rhazes, Al-Akhawayni, and Jorjani



Kidney Diseases, Ancient Iran, Avicenna, Rhazes, Al-Akhawayni, Jorjani


The history of kidney and urologic disorders dates to the dawn of civilization. Throughout the history of medicine, urine, the first bodily fluid to be examined, has continuously been studied as a means of understanding inner bodily function. The purpose of this review was to appraise the contributions of the ancient Iranian physician pioneers in the field of kidney and urological disorders, and to compare their beliefs and clinical methods with the modern medicine. We searched all available reliable electronic and published sources for the views of ancient Iranian physicians, Avicenna, Rhazes, Al-Akhawayni, and Jorjani, and compared them with recent medical literature. Our findings showed that ancient Iranian physicians described the symptoms, signs, and treatment of kidney and urological disorders; addressed bladder anatomy and physiology; and performed bladder catheterization and stone removal procedures in accordance with contemporary medicine. Ancient Iranian physicians pursued a comprehensive scientific methodology based on experiment, which is in compliance with the bases of modern medicine.


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How to Cite

DEMİR, M., & AKYOL, E. (2024). A Critical Review of the Works of Pioneer Physicians on Kidney Diseases in Ancient Iran Avicenna, Rhazes, Al-Akhawayni, and Jorjani. DARUSSIFA – JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC MEDICAL HISTORY RESEARCH, 3(2), 153–166. Retrieved from https://dasitad.com/index.php/darussifa/article/view/78