Saladin’s Chief Physician Ibn Mitran



Saladin, Ibn Mitran, Medicine, Crusades, Treatment


The last quarter of the 12th century is considered a period in Islamic History when the Crusades began again to rise. The brilliant Hattin Victory in 1187 and the subsequent capture of Jerusalem put Saladin at the peak of this period. Saladin succeeded in these achievements with the value he gave to scholars and statesmen, and gained a well-deserved reputation in the East and West with his close circle, which is like a gateway to the stars. There were also physicians in his close circle, and Ibn Mitran, who was a Christian and later a Muslim, served him as the chief physician in Damascus. This physician, who benefited from the ancient medical knowledge of Byzantium, Iraq and Syria, was not only the personal doctor of Saladin, but also with his positive contributions to the period. In addition to the library he created in Damascus, he also served Islamic medicine with many medical works he wrote. The wide spectrum from pharmacy to alchemy also revealed the deep knowledge of the aforementioned physician. His students, on the other hand, continued to contribute to Islamic medicine after him, and they carried out important studies in a wide range of fields from eye diseases to diabetes. Since the personalities who left their mark in history, came to the fore with their personalities as well as their own achievements, Ibn Mitran was also eye-catching with this aspect. Besides his generosity towards his poor patients, he was not forgotten with his kindness and helpfulness. On the other hand, this physician, who had a very important place next to Sultan Saladin, contributed to the understanding of the social life of the period with his happy marriage.



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How to Cite

Karakuş, N. (2022). Saladin’s Chief Physician Ibn Mitran. DARUSSIFA – JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC MEDICAL HISTORY RESEARCH, 1(1), 27–39. Retrieved from



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